1) after testing write to a file (own extension) the test that has been done
2) in the validation part of the custom check in policy I open that particular file and read the corresponding code coverage percentage.
The code: in each test class:
private static TestContext _currentContext;
public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
_currentContext = testContext;
public static void MyClassCleanUp()
File.WriteAllText(@"\.TU", _currentContext.TestDir );
So. That's step one. Now the custom check in. I used the example found in MSDN.
I only added some extra methods and references and modified some texts (they're in Dutch, but you can easily modify them. Some explanation: our business objects contain '.BL' in the filename (that's a check). A business object is composed of 2 files e.g.
'Task.BL.cs' (sometimes manually modified and named 'Task.BL.altered.cs') and 'Task.BL.custom.cs' (and out of scope: also a 'Task.resx') . The output-unitfile is created directly aside this files: 'Task.TU'. In this file the last test for this Business Object is specified.
First check is the existence of the '.TU' file.
Second check is the timestamp of the '.TU' compared to the business object file(s).
Third check is the existence of the data.coverage file.
Fourth check is the most important one: is a code coverage of 80% reached.
Last check is the existence of the resource file.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.CodeCoverage;
/// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb668980.aspx
public class AssociatedCheckInPolicy : PolicyBase
public AssociatedCheckInPolicy()
: base()
public override string Description
return "AssociatedCheckInPolicy";
// This is a string that is stored with the policy definition on the source
// control server. If a user does not have the policy plug-in installed, this string
// is displayed. You can use this to explain to the user how they should
// install the policy plug-in.
public override string InstallationInstructions
get { return "To install this policy, read InstallInstructions.txt."; }
// This string identifies the type of policy. It is displayed in the
// policy list when you add a new policy to a Team Project.
public override string Type
get { return "AssociatedCheckInPolicy"; }
// This string is a description of the type of policy. It is displayed
// when you select the policy in the Add Check-in Policy dialog box.
public override string TypeDescription
get { return "Voordat deze check-in policy een business object doorlaat, moeten alle tests geslaagd zijn en een code coverage opleveren van minimaal 80%"; }
// This method is called by the policy framework when you create
// a new check-in policy or edit an existing check-in policy.
// You can use this to display a UI specific to this policy type
// allowing the user to change the parameters of the policy.
public override bool Edit(IPolicyEditArgs args)
// Do not need any custom configuration
return true;
private string Hulp { get; set; }
// This method performs the actual policy evaluation.
// It is called by the policy framework at various points in time
// when policy should be evaluated. In this example, the method
// is invoked when various asyc events occur that may have
// invalidated the current list of failures.
public override PolicyFailure[] Evaluate()
for (int i = 0; i < PendingCheckin.PendingChanges.CheckedPendingChanges.Length; i++)
string className = PendingCheckin.PendingChanges.CheckedPendingChanges[i].LocalItem;
// kijk of .BL erin voorkomt. (alleen voor BL-classes)
if (className.Contains(".BL."))
// kijk of de bijbehorende unittests uitgevoerd zijn.
if (File.Exists(className))
string testUnitFile = className.Replace(".custom", "").Replace(".altered", "").Replace(".cs", "");
testUnitFile = testUnitFile.Substring(0, testUnitFile.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".TU";
if (File.Exists(testUnitFile))
// kijk of de timestamp niet gewijzigd is.
PolicyFailure[] ret = new PolicyFailure[1];
string testdir = File.ReadAllText(testUnitFile);
if (File.GetLastWriteTime(testUnitFile) < File.GetLastWriteTime(className))
ret[0] = new PolicyFailure("De code is nieuwer dan de tests.", this);
return ret;
PolicyFailure pf = GenerateCodeCoverage(testUnitFile, testdir, @"c:\alurecs\");
if (pf == null)
// extra check: bestaat de resx?
string resxFile = testUnitFile.Replace(".TU", ".resx");
if (!File.Exists(resxFile))
Hulp = "Maak een resourcefile aan (generator)";
ret[0] = new PolicyFailure("Resource file niet aangetroffen", this);
return ret;
return new PolicyFailure[0];
ret[0] = pf;
return ret;
PolicyFailure[] ret = new PolicyFailure[1];
Hulp = "Voer de tests uit in de testclass (nieuwste template wel gebruikt?)";
ret[0] = new PolicyFailure("Geen unittest file gevonden", this);
return ret;
return new PolicyFailure[0];
private PolicyFailure GenerateCodeCoverage(string testUnitFile, string testdir, string destdir)
string codecoveragedir = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(testdir, "In"), Environment.MachineName);
string unitFile = testUnitFile;
string className = unitFile.Substring(unitFile.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1).Replace(".TU", "");
// lees trx
string file = testdir + ".trx";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
if (File.Exists(file))
// //TestRun/ResultSummary/Counters
XmlNode xni = doc.SelectNodes(".")[0].ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0];
string passed = xni.Attributes["passed"].Value;
string executed = xni.Attributes["executed"].Value;
if (passed == executed)
// code coverage?
string coverageFile = Path.Combine(codecoveragedir, "data.coverage");
if (File.Exists(coverageFile))
string binDir = Path.Combine(testdir, "Out");
CoverageInfoManager.ExePath = binDir;
CoverageInfoManager.SymPath = binDir;
CoverageInfo coverageInfo = CoverageInfoManager.CreateInfoFromFile(coverageFile);
CoverageDS data = coverageInfo.BuildDataSet(null);
DataRow dr = data.Class.Select(String.Format("ClassName='{0}'", className))[0];
int bcc = data.Class.Columns.IndexOf(data.Class.BlocksCoveredColumn);
uint bc = (uint)dr[bcc];
int bncc = data.Class.Columns.IndexOf(data.Class.BlocksNotCoveredColumn);
uint bnc = (uint)dr[bncc];
if (Convert.ToDouble(bc) / (Convert.ToDouble(bc + bnc)) < .8)
// error!
Hulp = "De 80% drempel is niet gehaald, maak meer tests.";
return new PolicyFailure("80% drempel niet gehaald", this);
if (File.Exists(unitFile))
Hulp = "Run de tests uit in de testclass, code coverage is niet gevonden";
return new PolicyFailure("Geen code coverage gebruikt!", this);
if (File.Exists(unitFile)) File.Delete(unitFile);
Hulp = "Voer de tests uit in de testclass";
return new PolicyFailure("Voer testen uit!", this);
return null;
// This method is called if the user double-clicks on
// a policy failure in the UI. In this case a message telling the user
// to supply some comments is displayed.
public override void Activate(PolicyFailure failure)
MessageBox.Show("1) Maak een testclass (laatste versie template)"
+ Environment.NewLine + "2) Voer alle tests uit"
+ Environment.NewLine + "3) Code coverage > 80%"
, "Oplossen van probleem");
// This method is called if the user presses F1 when a policy failure
// is active in the UI. In this example, a message box is displayed.
public override void DisplayHelp(PolicyFailure failure)
MessageBox.Show(Hulp, "Prompt Policy Help");
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